28 aug The Dune Sessions
In January, at the invitation of musical fellow Julie Scott and her husband, Peek Hijmans, I participated in the Dune Sessions. With 13 top musicians and their significant others I was “locked up” for 3 days in a former children’s asylum near the dunes in The Hague, partying, making campfires, but above all rehearsing and recording songs. Every musician added one song to the project (I chose Radiohead’s How to disappear completely), and all the musicians would rehearse on the spot and record a few hours later. Every musician contributed to al lot of the other songs. And it was also recorded and filmed, just in case there would be magic.
And yes: the magic was there. Loads of it. Not only did I have a great weekend there, meeting the nicest people, but above all it was a great way to get to love making music again for me, and I contributed to recordings I’m still very proud of.
And it has all been filmed, and because everyone is so proud, the film was also finished as a documentary movie. The premiere will be on October 8th in Het Paard in The Hague.